Yesterday came the next step. My mother, Linda, flew from Toronto, ON, CA to Phoenix, AZ to met me and visit with her family. It was an emotional and exhausting day as we had to wait till 7:00PM for her plane to arrive, and then another 15-20 minutes for her to make it to the arrival area. We were holding a sign the said "PACHECO" so she would be able to instantly recognize us.
When she came in sight, what a big welcoming smile and gave me such a big hug and said almost in tears"...after 48 years" and kept on hugging me.
We went to her sister's place (my new Aunt..)and sat and talked for a few hours. She is such an amazing woman, full of compassion and intelligence!!
It was an awesome feeling, and a fantastic evening.

She will be in Arizona for a month , and coming to stay with us for a week on April 10, next week.
Next will be the meeting with my (half) brother, Julian who is flying in from Toronto as well. That's on April10th!! Cant wait!!
More to come...
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